Saturday, March 14, 2015

Difference between ego and self respect

Self respect comes from a high moral character. 

What is Self-Respect?

From above argument, one can ask me. How about if my idea is truly the best? Should not I fight for my idea then or would that also be ego? The answer is – now you know your idea is BEST. The associated feeling is of confidence and self assurance. While in ego the associated feeling is of insecurity and fear.
Let me give you an example – A four year old kid comes to you and says something negative. Would you be offended or take it on your ego? I don’t think so because you are self assured and confident against a four year old. But if a colleague comes to you and say something negative. What happens then? This time you do take it on your ego.  What is the differentiate between your responses to these two criticisms?  In my opinion, the difference is your own confidence level.  You are confident against a four year old but become in-secured when a colleague or boss or neighbor criticizes you. Build your confidence to the level where ego will disappear.

Ego is nothing but a feeling of superiority over others. 

What is Ego?
In my opinion, Ego is the feeling of supreme. It is an attitude of thinking ourselves superior to others. Ego obstructs the open mind as it gives lot of importance to self while rejecting other personalities and point of views.
It is an unhealthy attachment to self; Ego persists because we deeply attach ourselves with our ideas. This attachment leads us to resentment; we resent any thought of making our idea inferior to others. Due to this resentment we show negative emotions while facing a contrasting opinion. We argue, become angry and even try to intimidate to make our idea stand out.  We are so attached to our idea that we just cannot see it coming second to someone else’s idea. Let go this attachment and ego will also be gone.